Composite Integration
Manufacturers entering into ‘closed mould’ processing often require a high level of technical assistance to help them through the initial learning curve.
The Composite Integration team is able to provide practical assistance throughout the closed-mould process from RTM to Resin-Infusion, covering areas such as product design optimisation, materials selection, tooling design, and manufacture (composite and metal), injection and infusion equipment, accessories, installation, monitoring, process control and training.
Introduced in 2006 after extensive design and development work, the Ciject™ range of injection equipment is widely acknowledged as being the most sophisticated available, and combines award winning design with the highest quality engineering.
The range includes a highly innovative range of equipment for delivering mixed resin into infusion processes.
This development is based around the use of in-mould sensors (IMPS) to provide accurate control fee-back and the technique is now used to manufacture some of the largest composite structures in existence.
For more information visit

High Quality
We recognise the need for high quality and practical training, and the company is able to provide both on-site and in house training to suit the individual client.
Composite Integration Ltd is continuing to expand with support from several worldwide partners. Staff training is a key strategy to ensure all personnel are able to respond to both customer’s needs and continuing developments in the RTM process.
The scope of work includes projects in the Automotive, Marine, Wind and Tidal energy, Aerospace, ‘Off-Highway’, Sports, Architectural, Rail and Defence industries. Projects have varied from tool manufacture through to complete automated production moulding cells.